Expectations of Professionalism

(Term 2: Week 1)

In this term we are going to do a collaborative project. When working with other people and in group, we expect some kind of professionalism among the team members. 

I have worked in groups during my previous study and also when working in productions. There are a lot of personalities and behaviors that we can see but here are some of my expectations of professionalism. Some of them are also a reminder to myself for me to improve in this regard.

Discipline with Time
I think this is one of the most important things in professionalism. It can affect everything when working in team. We need to always discipline with time and schedule. Don’t let other people wait for meeting, completing the tasks, and delivery. This also the area where I myself has to improve because I always do too many works from personal, study and freelancing at once which can affect my time discipline. There is a chapter in Islamic Quran where specifically reminds us about the important of time. It is always be my reminder to manage them properly.

Always be responsible and giving commitment with the tasks that was assigned to us. Take a good care of the work like it’s our personal thing. Complete the work with the expected quality, find solution if there is any problem and don’t leave the responsibility to others.

Always honest during work and don’t slacking off. Tell the truth about our capability and is the work can be done in within the timeframe. Don’t lie to team member of any problem which can cause delay to the work. When working with confidential project, don’t share or leak any information that we have agreed upon.

Communication and relationship
Respond timely and properly to conversation, act courteously and use good manners. Be friendly with other team members. Get to know their personality so we can engage properly with them. Sometimes too close or too open in relationship and conversation with certain people can change the atmosphere in the team. 

Leave negative thinking aside and always do good deeds. Don’t keep complaining without providing viable solutions. Don’t be jealous with other team member’s accomplishment but to use it as encouragement to improve ourselves. Don’t talk negative behind another person with can cause split in the team.

We cannot remember everything so it is very important to note down important points during discussion and task delivery. It will help with the work efficiency when we can refer back and do the job accordingly. This is something I have been practicing since a long time ago by taking note and recording audio of a meeting especially when meeting with clients since it happened sometimes, they change and don’t remember what they said.

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