Week: 1 – 7 November
After several changes to the story idea, I finally decided to make a short animation with commercial style for my FMP. I’m interested with the idea of University’s ‘Enrol Now!’ ad for new student intake. I was thinking to do a parody commercial where UAL opens new courses to six-legged creatures instead of human. The final animation would feature several six-legged creatures as students moving around in UAL’s building and areas, so the animation would still have my original FMP idea to have 3d character animation on a real footage that demonstrates six-legged movement patterns.
I look around the internet to find some university commercial as references. I found that there are variety of styles; some are short or too long, some are using real videos, motion graphic, music only or using voice to promote their university. I think it would be interesting to use voice as well in my animation with parody funny sentences, but at this moment, I’ll go with music only and probably add the voice later if I think it’s suitable. Below are only some of the many university ads that I found interesting.
In my own version of commercial / animation, I planned to have different versions of six-legged creatures doing the walking, running, jumping and turning body animation in different areas around the UAL building such as in class, library and hallway. I was thinking to have a great ending shot with a full front view of the university building from across the street, where multiple characters crossing the road towards the university before the UAL logo appears at the end of the commercial / animation.