Term 3

Week: 12 – 18 April

I’m now in Term 3. In this week class, Luke briefed us on what we have to do throughout this term. There should be 2 minimum projects which are another collaborative project and personal project. The collaborative should be a teamwork project with students from other departments, while the personal project is solely our own ideas which can be something that we interested to explore and showcase our preferred style and aim for the skillset to jobs that we are looking. Luke mentioned that there is a collaborative indie film project for anyone interested to involve as animator, matchmover, VFX and render artist.

We will do a lot of self directed learning and research for the projects, but at the same time we can book a session with several mentors for their advice and guidance. During this term also, we will need to be planning for our thesis and final major project and pithing them in week 9.

Our task for this week is to think about what projects we want to do for this term and why, then send the email proposal to Luke before class next week.

Personally, I’m not really sure yet what I want to do for my personal project, but I really like character animation. For the collaborative project, I probably decide to get involve in the indie film project. So I have until Monday to think about this. I’m going to watch short animations on YouTube to get some ideas.

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