8 – 11 March 2021
This week I focused to update the space colony building model, so I could animate shot 06, 08 and 09. The previous space colony was not finished since I only used some dummy objects for the interior.
I spent a bit of time searching for free premade models at several places including online. And later I found a very suitable assets for the building interior from the university library. I downloaded the textures and placed them in the project’s ‘sourceimage’ folder. Similar to the previous models that I setup, the first step I did was to re-path the textures to have dynamic address to our collaborative folder.

The assets were modular and can be combined to produce different objects. I chose the objects that I thought could be used for the space colony and saved them in separated files.

I made some adjustment to the entrance model to fit the space colony. I extracted the door and fixed its pivot position and orientation so it can be opened, closed and animated properly for shot 08. I also modified the space colony wall at the entrance area to have proper path for the entrance model.

After that I proceed to arrange the other interior models to make it looks more like a real space colony with tents, generators, water tanks etc.

I separated the tent’s door and fixed the pivot so it can be opened and closed for shot 08

Although the process seem simple, it took me almost 4 days to finish the interior from searching the free models, choosing the suitable model, fixing polygons, shapes, material, textures and lot and lot of arranging assets until I got the final version.

I updated my progress to our Discord channel but I didn’t upload the model to our collaborative folder yet. I want to animate my shots first because the character will interact with some of the interior props. I might want to change some of the prop arrangements later according to the suitability of the shot and camera angle.