Collaborative Project Begins

27 Jan 2021

Today, Luke briefed us about the collaborative project that we have to do throughout this term. Each group must be at least 4 persons and should collaborate with at least 1 person from other course. The completion of the project is not really matter but the process and documentation on this blog of how we collaborate and try to finish the project is the most important. We can either propose a new project or join other courses project. For animation course, Luke suggested to us to do a previs project and use existing model from assets library as much as possible.

Right after the briefing, I was thinking to propose my own project. I have a few previs ideas for a sci-fi story because I really like this theme. As I begin to write the story outline, I saw some of my classmates already proposed their ideas and looking for team members.

One that really caught my attention was the idea by Emma. She proposed a sci-fi horror story which is very good and quite close to what I’m interested to do. She announced that she already got a sound designer on board and still looking for some more animators. So I think it’s better if join her project instead of creating another project. I also feel very confident to work with her as I saw her good performance during the last term.

I immediately contacted her to apply and gave my YouTube channel link for some samples of my animation works. I think I can fit into the roll and give my contributions to her project. I also mentioned to her that I’m quite new to Maya as I used another software for my previous animations but gave my confidence that I will adapt quickly for any requirement of the project. 

I’m now in the team and we wait for another people to join.

29 Jan 2021

By the end of the week, we’ve got enough members for the project which I think a very good combination from 3 courses with 2 animators, 2 VFX artists and 2 sound designers.

Group Leader: Emma Copeland
Animator: Emma Copeland, Kamil Fauzi
VFX: Gherardo Varani, Antoni Floritt
Sound Design: Callum Spence, Ben Harrison

We joined a new Discord Server created by Emma.

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